Eforie Nord resort has two treatment centers with several hot water installations both to bathtubs and pool, saline water from Techirghiol Lake, mud wrapping, gynecological treatments, aerosols, kinetotherapy, sauna and medical gymnastics.
The balneal-climatologic potential of the area allows the treatment of degenerative diseases (cervical, dorsal and lumbar spondilosis), inflammatory diseases (rheumatic spondilosis and polyarthritis), diatritical rheumatisms (tendinitis, tendomiosis, scalp-humeral periarthritis), peripheral nervous system disturbances (post-traumatic paralysis, limbs paresis, poliomyelitis sequelae), dermatologic, respiratory and gynecological diseases (ovary stroke, chronic cervicitis, secondary sterility, etc.), raise defects at children, rachitic syndrome, decalcification, secondary anemia, etc.
- Eforie: Eforie Aqua Park
- Constanta: By purchasing a Constanta City Pass Basic, the tourists have access to the Aquarium, Dolphinarium, History and Archeology National Museum, 2 trips by superposed buses. Constanta City Pass Family Card includes one entry to Aqua Magic Mamaia.
- One day trip to the Danube Delta
- Neptun Paradis Land
- Techirghiol: Botanic Garden
The visitors may delight their eyes with 20 thousand different plants, including the ones within the well-known Balcic Botanic Garden in Bulgaria.